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Volunteer Fair in Sonora Expects Over 75 Organizations

On April 25th from 3pm - 6pm, the 2nd annual Volunteer Fair will be held at the Motherlode Fairgrounds in Sonora. Debuting in 2018 as a project of the 2018 Tuolumne County Leadership Team, the Fair moves on to it's second year.

ATCAA will be represented with a number of programs looking for volunteers. Whether it is taking the family to volunteer for a few hours once-monthly at the Food Bank, providing Income Tax preparation assistance, helping to spread the word about services by posting flyers or to social media, volunteering at events homeless outreach or, more, ATCAA has opportunities for all ages and skill levels.

Why volunteer? Volunteering increases self-confidence. Doing good for others and the community provides a natural sense of accomplishment, pride and identity. Volunteering can also connect you to others, providing an opportunity for friendship and networking. Learning new job skills through volunteering can also help open up opportunities for the job seeker. Many ATCAA employs began as volunteers.

Mark your calendars and bring your friends, Mom's Dad's, kids and teens where opportunities for every age, interest and skillset will be presented. For more information about the Fair, contact Fair organizer, Robin Walters at "Project Feed Our Kids" at 209-225-0459 or email them at

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