Empty Bowls Event to Raise Funds and Awareness at the ATCAA Food Bank
JAMESTOWN, CA. - The Food Bank is hosting “Empty Bowls” a fundraising event that also raises awareness about the hungry in Tuolumne County. The event will be held at the Food Bank warehouse in Jamestown on Saturday, September 29th from 5:30 – 8:30pm. Tickets are on sale for $35 per person and the cost includes a simple meal of soup, salad, bread and dessert as well as a hand-decorated bowl to take home as a souvenir. The evening will include raffle prizes, a live auction, presentations and a performance by Summerville’s Jazz@8 choir and beer and wine will be available for purchase.
“Empty Bowls” began when an art teacher in Michigan asked her ceramics students to create bowls to symbolize the hungry. The finished products were then used as individual serving pieces for a fundraising meal of soup and bread. The concept is now internationally recognized and serves as a reminder of the hungry among us at hundreds of events worldwide.
Bowls for this event have been created and/or decorated by students from several of our local elementary schools. Every attendee will take home a handcrafted bowl as a reminder of those in our community who remain hungry.
Last year the Food Bank served over 5,500 individuals, as well as receiving, processing and storing food that was distributed through 16 partner pantries located throughout the county. Over one million pounds of food was distributed out of ATCAA Food Bank in 2017.
“Our clients rely on the food bank,” states Deni Avery, Director. “Many would otherwise need to choose between food and other necessities such as medicine or electricity.” Most of the people ATCAA serves are people who work or are on fixed incomes and many work multiple jobs.
A recent study conducted by the California Food Policy Advocates determined that 7,900 individuals were food insecure in Tuolumne County. That is about 15% of the overall population while 20% of the county’s children are determined to be food insecure.
The Food Bank continues to rely on the help of their approximate 400 volunteers, as well as corporate and individual donors through campaigns and events such as this. This is a pre-sale event. Due to limited seating at the warehouse, tickets can not be sold at the door. To purchase tickets online or contribute in other ways, go to ATCAA.org or call Deni Avery at the Food Bank at 209-984-3960 x104