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LIHEAP Helps Calaveras Residents with Energy Costs

CALAVERAS COUNTY, CA. – In addition to Amador and Tuolumne County residents, the Amador Tuolumne Community Action Agency can help low income Calaveras County residents manage and reduce their energy costs through the federally-funded Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Services include helping low-income families in a financial crisis pay their utility bills and improving household energy efficiency through weatherization, thereby reducing energy costs.

LIHEAP is the main federal program that helps low-income households and seniors with their energy bills, providing critical assistance during the cold winter and hot summer months. In 2017, over $700,000 was spent in payment assistance within the tri-county area. Of households served, over nine hundred were senior citizens and over one thousand were persons living with disabilities. This funding has been an indispensable lifeline during challenging economic times, helping to ensure that recipients do not have to choose between paying their energy bills and paying for other necessities like food or medicine. On average, low-income families and seniors spend a higher proportion of their income on energy, and for many, this time of year creates an additional constraint on these household budgets.

Whether a tenant or home owner, ATCAA’s Utility Assistance services include payment of some or all of a resident’s current PG&E or propane service bill. Circumstances can include help paying the bill or keeping utilities from being shut off. To qualify, residents must meet income eligibility criteria and be able to provide proof of citizenship as well as other supporting documents. If a resident qualifies for utility bill help, they would likely qualify for free weatherization and water conservation measures to their residence.

To aid in the application process, ATCAA staff is now available in Room #116 at the Health and Human Services offices in San Andreas on most Fridays. Residents can also find applications at their local library branch throughout Calaveras County or download applications from the ATCAA website. If Friday appointments are not convenient or available, residents can always choose to get their applications processed by mail, fax or through ATCAA’s service centers located in Jackson or Sonora.

Though ATCAA primarily serves Amador and Tuolumne county residents, there are many services that extend to Calaveras residents as well. To make an appointment or learn more about Utility Bill Pay and other ATCAA services, call the Jackson Service Center at 209-223-1485, the Sonora Service Center at 209-533-1397 or visit

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