Turkey Drive to Benefit ATCAA Food Bank’s Holiday Baskets
The Amador Tuolumne Community Acton Agency (ATCAA) Food Bank is holding its 2nd Annual Turkey Drive Saturday, November 3rd at Save Mart in the Timberhills Shopping Center in Sonora from 8am to 3pm. The public is encouraged to donate frozen turkeys or make monetary donations toward the purchase of turkeys either onsite or online at ATCAA.org.
To kick-off the Turkey Drive, our local Diestel Turkey Ranch has generously donated the first 100 turkeys and is once again generously offering to match every turkey or donation toward a turkey between 10am and 11am and again between 2pm and 3pm the day of the drive. Monetary donations made in person at the Turkey Drive or online during match times will be counted in the Diestel match.
With a goal of receiving 1,500 turkeys, the Food Bank hopes to supply a turkey to any family struggling with hunger during the holiday season and is asking our community to help meet the demand. With the Food Bank’s buying power, every $10 provides one turkey.
The holidays are a time for families to gather together for a traditional holiday meal. However, for many families in Tuolumne County, the means to afford that meal doesn’t exist. As lack of affordable housing persists and the costs of fuel, medicine and other necessities continue to soar, food budgets for retired and working families are shrinking.
“For more than 20 years, the Food Bank has distributed Food Baskets during the Holiday season, but up until last year, the baskets have never included a turkey,” says Deni Avery, Food Bank Director. “We want to continue to provide a complete dinner.”
For more information about the Turkey Drive, the Holiday Basket and other food programs, volunteering, donating or learn ways to run your own Food Drive on behalf of the Food Bank, visit ATCAA.org or call Avery at 209-984-3960 x104