You can support ATCAA through the Amador Community Foundation on GIVING TUESDAY, November 27th, 2018
Black Friday… Cyber Monday… #GIVINGTUESDAY
The Amador Community Foundation gives this nationally recognized annual giving campaign a special local twist. By making ONLINE donations at giveamador.

org on #GivingTuesday, your dollars will go further, thanks to extra incentives from their Matching Grant Sponsors. Give online HERE or just come to the GIVING TUESDAY event where we can explain to you more about our programs and how your contribution will help.
JACKSON,CA. We are proud to be a part of the Amador Community Foundation’s Giving Tuesday’s Community event. When you give to ATCAA through the Foundation, you will be supporting programs and services that rely on donors like you to help us serve many of the most vulnerable in our community. Each year, we highlight the programs and services that rely most on community support. Since 1981, our mission to combat poverty and strengthen our community has remained constant.
Amador Tuolumne Community Action agency has been helping residents in our community become more self sufficient for over 37 years by providing help to those who need it most. Many of our programs are backed by a variety of funding sources, but others depend on your support. This year, we have identified four areas that are in desperate need of your help. Please help us continue help others. 100% of your donation will go to fund the programs or projects below. If you would prefer to donate to a specific area, just let us know and we’ll be sure your contribution supports the program you designate.
Foster Youth IDA Program: IDA stands for Individual Development Account. This program provides financial education and matching funds for foster youth ages 13-21. Youth earn money through incentives such as good grades or completing a resume and those funds are then matched. Matched funds can be spent on specific goals such as higher education or training costs. This program helps otherwise at-risk youth succeed as adults and become contributing members of our community.
Amador Lifeline: For over 30 years, Lifeline’s motto has been, “Where help is just a button away.” Their In-home medic alert systems are provided for seniors and disabled adults for a monthly fee, but not all who need the system can afford it. Lifeline relies on community donations to provide the service at a reduced or zero cost to those who can otherwise not afford this lifesaving service.
Homeless Student Fund: Yes, we have local homeless students who arrive at our shelter with their families and often arrive with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. Though they will have a warm bed to sleep in and nutritious meals are provided, monies from the homeless student fund can provide identified necessities as they arise such from school supplies and warm clothing to haircuts and after-school activity costs.
Veterans Varley Place Patio Project: Our new Veteran supportive housing complex has filled 9 of the 12 units so far this year, in only 6 months! All individuals and families have come from an at risk or literally homeless previous housing status. All residents are from the foothill region and consider Amador County their home.The Varley Place back patio materials will enable us to build an area that is both warm and inviting. Residents will have a wonderful space to come together and support one another! Currently their is no communal gathering area at Varley Place as the capitol development grants were not enough to support this last construction need. It was not part of the final on the building, and was considered cosmetic. However, This patio area is so very needed! Residents should have a space to gather, eat, converse and share stories with one another. All have served their county honorably and rely on close ties and a “brotherhood of connection” This patio will also give the children a place to play. Coloring, reading, and playing together in a safe place forms friendships. This holiday season, please consider a donation to the VETERAN’S VARLEY PLACE PATIO PROJECT. Your donation will go directly to materials and labor costs to build this patio and give our Veteran’s a better place to call home!